This guide will teach you how to check your display status and switch between an extended display and duplicate (mirrored) display. Skip to last paragraph for instructions on how to switch displays.
An extended desktop is when the computer display is split into two or more separate windows. This is commonly referred to as "dual" monitor support. These two displays act independently of one another. That means that what the user does on one monitor will not show on the other monitor. The user must manually decide on what display they wish to use with what program. This can create some confusion on how to navigate between the two windows. The user has to manually move their mouse over to the other monitor through an invisible border between the two. The mouse pointer will then "jump" to the other window and you can navigate like normal. Think of it essentially turning your monitor into one long window rather than two separate ones. Examples of extended desktops are having a video play on the second display (projector) and using your main display to look up information, answer emails, etc.
A display that is mirrored will only have one window that is cloned to the other screen. There are no separate screens. This will mean that whatever is showing on your main monitor will also display on your second monitor. This eliminates the need to manually move the windows between the two screens. This is simpler to use than an extended display. Some of the drawbacks are that you are not allowed a separate window from one the students can see.
To change display settings in windows 10, right click on the desktop. In the menu that pops up, there will be an option that reads "Display Settings". Left click on this. This will bring you to the display settings page. In this page there are settings to change your display properties. Some of the ones that you may find useful are the scale and layout section. This allows the user to change the scale of the words and images in comparison to the resolution. This is useful if you are finding that in the default settings the words are hard to read and view. You can scale up the layout so that everything is easier to see. At the bottom of the page is the multiple display settings. This is where you will choose between the options to "extend these displays" or "duplicate these displays". There is also other options to "show only on 1" or "show only on 2". These are to make it display on one screen only. I hope that this is helpful and if you are having any trouble please feel free to put in a ticket.
A keyboard shortcut that will bring up the display settings menu is the windows key + P combo. This will allow you to quickly switch between an extended display and a duplicate display. Below is a picture of the menu that will come up when you use this keyboard shortcut. Simply left-click on the setting you wish to use and your computer will switch to that.